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Romans: The Bible Study

Week of 22 Jan 2024

I've always been told that Romans is the book to read as a Christian who has come to Christ. For the first of tenth time! I believe the reason that was said to me so frequently was for me to share it with people. Seeing as this is the first Bible study of Our evolving story. How about we dive into the book of Romans!

Romans Bible chapter 1

We will start off by covering about 1 to 2 chapters each bible study. Who knows, maybe if we have enough people we can begin to meet on zoom each week and continue to build this community. With God before us, let us dive into the word.

(P.S I use an ESV bible but whichever translation you have will work perfectly!)

Chapter 1

The first few verses are heavy but we are told that we have received grace and apostleship from Jesus Christ Our Lord (verse 5). Not only have we been given a gift but we have been given a mission. To bring the obedience of faith, for the sake of Jesus Christ, among all nations. I don't know about you, but that is a huge mission. Good thing we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us! AMEN!

In verse 11 Paul mentions that he longs to see those in Rome so that they may be encouraged by each other's faith. I find that very interesting and comforting. I say this because many times the enemy tries to make us feel alone but God has given us this community to help each other when needed, to be there for each other. It is comforting to know that we are not alone, others feel the same way we do.

Diving back in, we are given 2 verses which are anything but light. Paul tells us exactly what the gospel is. The Gospel is the power of salvation! It is the revelation of the righteousness of God! One thing I love about God's word, is that it is inclusive. The Jews and Greeks were not exactly two peas in a pod but God, Creator of all things in Heaven and on earth sent his only son, not only for one group but for all who tap in to this power. The question is how do we tap in? Verse 17, Paul says it is revealed by faith, for faith. Amen. The completeness of God never ceases to amaze me. The only way to reveal the power of the gospel, the righteousness of God, is by faith. Trusting in the word, trusting in the Lord, our savior, Jesus Christ! I know sometimes it is hard to hold on to faith because it is the belief in things unseen but God knows this too, that is why his word is also for faith! The word restores our faith when it is running low. Are you seeing the full circle?! WOW!

Coming back to the text at verse 18: If you are anything like me, it is hard and a little scary to hear about the wrath of God because as much as we know God to be kind, loving and slow to anger, he does get angry and when he does it isn't the best thing to be on the receiving end of that anger. Verse 18 onward tells us of the wrath of God on unrighteousness. As Paul says, God has given multiple signs of his existence, so to blind oneself because of the unrighteousness one prefers to walk in leaves no excuse and leaves a foolish heart darkened.

Those who rejected God did horrible things including worshipping idols in the images of animals. So God let them do as they please and they fell even deeper into their unrighteousness, filling themselves with malice, envy, anger, slander( listed in verse 29-31) and knowing that they are wrong, they give approval to those dabbling in the same unrighteousness. This verse really makes me reflect because although I do not, nor have I ever or will deny the existence of God, I am not perfect. Yes, none of us are, but this world, especially the times we are in, pushes us into giving approval to what is unrighteous in God's eyes. I just think that it is important to stop ourselves and think before we act out of pressure, lest we become like Peter after the second crow of the rooster.


That is the end of today's bible study. Hopefully you learned or re-learned something. I pray that through faith we understand the words of the bible and allow them to change our hearts, drawing us closer to God. Amen!

I will try to have a chapter analysis up everyday. Don't forget to comment your thoughts, opinions, insights, experiences or feedback. I am not always right and I really do love hearing other perspectives. So please feel free!

Stay Blessed,

x Jaeden

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