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How do we hear it? How do we listen for someone we cannot see? How do we know if it is indeed God speaking?

The voice of God is something we all want to hear. We are of him and made in his image, therefore it is only natural to crave the voice of God and be drawn to him. Though I am not a spiritual leader/teacher and I still have a long way to go with my walk on the narrow path, I think these tips have helped me hear God clearer than I ever have .

Hopefully they help you as much as they did me!

Tip #1 - Read the Word

Everything in the Bible has been inspired by the Holy Spirit. They are his message to us. They teach us who God is. What he finds good and what he finds evil, what he thinks of us and how much he loves us. How then are we supposed to know it is God's voice if we do not know how he speaks? God does not change, so we know that who he is in the bible, even all those years ago, is who he is now. So Read read read!

"Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ."

Romans 10:17

Tip #2 - Be Still

Sometimes God's voice is more like a whisper. Yes, sometimes it is a big statement and is quite obvious, but I think most people experience it as a quiet voice. Our everyday lives get so loud sometimes that God's voice becomes hard to hear. Taking the time to sit in silence, to be still, is something that allowed me to not only hear God but see the things he has done for me and is doing in the moment.

"Be still and know that I am God"

Psalms 46:10

Tip #3 - Pray

Along the lines of the first tip, to hear God's voice we have to spend time with him and practice talking to him. The best and only way to do this is through prayer. Prayer is extremely important, even Jesus prayed all the time. That is because we talk to God through prayer. He hears us and we hear him when we pray and I think that this is the reason God tells us so many times to pray without ceasing in the bible.

Tip #4 - Pay attention to the questions you ask and God's answer.

If you are anything like me, you ask God for things that might take a long time to be answered. First I want you to remember, GOD'S TIMING IS ALWAYS RIGHT, just hold on a little longer. Also, when it feels like that, write down or journal your prayer and when you know or have seen the answer, write it down too. This helps to visualize and see the way God speaks to you. It may be different for everyone because God has a relationship with each of us. Journaling helps you keep track and keep focused on God's voice because you are being intentional about listening for the answer to write it down.

Pointer #1: How can I be sure it is God's voice

That is a good question to ask. The enemy loves to play tricks and imitate so we have to make sure that it is not him but sometimes we to can get in our own heads and end up misconstruing God's voice. Here are a few ways to know that it is God.

  • It brings a sense of peace, even if the next step is scary or painful.

  • If you do not feel that sense of peace immediately, you can always double check with the word. God would never contradict himself or change his character. So always make sure the answer and his word go hand in hand.

  • You can also check with your brothers and sisters in Christ, your priest or pastor, your counsel. Do they agree? Ask them? This doesn't mean take their word completely. Bringing me to my next point:

  • Ask God for the discernment that comes from the Holy Spirit. God will bless you with the Holy Spirit if you ask. Holy Spirit will never lead you astray.

"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened."

Matthew 7:7-8


I'm not sure, but I think that hearing God's voice is not something that comes in the blink of an eye for everybody. It is a beautiful skill that we get to build and cherish. I pray that these tips will sharpen your ears to the sound of God's voice, allowing him to speak to you and guide you in all that you do. Amen!

Stay blessed,

x Jaeden

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